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Drink Names Vocabulary Words List with Urdu Meanings

Drink Names Vocabulary Words List with Urdu Meanings
Drink Names Vocabulary Words List with Urdu Meanings

Drink Names Vocabulary Words List with Urdu Meanings. Drink names in English with their Urdu meanings for improving your English vocabulary skills for beginners as well as other English learners.

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Names of drinks and beverages

Wine شراب
Coffee کافی
Lemonade شکنجبین
Iced tea سرد چائے
Hot chocolate ہاٹ چاکلیٹ
Juice جوس
Milkshake ملک شیک
Water پانی
Tea چائے
Milk دودھ
Beer ہلکی شراب
Soda سوڈا

Hot drink names

Coffee کافی
Tea bag ٹی بیگ
Tea چائے
Green tea سبز چائے
Chocolate milk چاکلیٹ دودھ
Hot chocolate ہاٹ چاکلیٹ
Coffee کافی
Tea bag ٹی بیگ

Cold drink names

Tomato juice ٹماٹر کا جوس
Smoothie اسموتھی
Milkshake ملک شیک
Coconut milk ناریل ملا دودھ
Orange juice مالٹے کا جوس
Fruit juice پھل کا رس
Cocoa کوکو
Water پانی